Monday, January 25, 2010

EDM Class Blogs

Did You Know? by Karl Fisch

Watching "Did You Know 3.0 by Karl Fisch" was very interesting to me. It made me realize that becoming a teacher will be more challenging than I thought. It demonstrates a huge question to all future teachers...What DOES it really all mean?

I believe it means that people do not realize what challenges we will face in the near future with the constant changing of technologies in the world. It will require us to stay updated with new technology in order to better prepare students for the world and this astounding endeavor ahead of us.

Mr. Winkle Wakes by Matthew Needleman

"Mr. Winkle Wakes" shows the difference between old and new technology. I believe it shows how naive some people are to newer technologies. It also showed that some classrooms are still being taught with "old school" technology.

This video made me realize that because technology is rapidly changing, there is a great need for classrooms to be updated and revised with this ever-changing technology. And because technology is improving so much, having computers in the classroom can only better a students education.

Schools Kill Creativity by Ken Robinson

After watching "Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity," it made me realize just how much emphasis teachers put on mistakes. We are constantly told to go by guidelines and if we branch away from those rules, our grades will suffer for it. We are told that creativity is limited and you can only do so much with it.

This video showed me that I need to radically rethink education and show kids how to grab the essence of education and how to imply the core knowledge in their own way. We need to focus on creating an education that will nurture, rather than undermine, children's creativity.

The Teacherpreneur by Vicki Davis

I enjoyed watching how Vicki Davis ran her classroom. It showed me that it is easy to teach students if you allow them to explore and learn concepts on their own. If you give them leverage in discovering new things on their own, they will eventually become curious and gain a desire to explore new ideas and be creative with their new knowledge.

I also think it that this is how learning should be today. A teacher should be able to learn from their students. In society today, teachers are expected to "know it all," however, it seems that being a guide, motivator, and a facilitator, still allows us to learn from students.

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